




Our duo was born out of a strong bond made up of spontaneous fun, bloody marys and an eternal love for musical performance. We aim to entertain all ages with a 3 dimensional sound consisting of strong vocals, unique song selection and rhythmic loops pushing the limits of what is capable of two individuals.


Vocals, Keys / Brianna Salamon
Vocals. Guitar. Beatbox. Loops / Patrick Salamon





January 10 . ott’s . medford, nj 7pm

january 12. pic-a-lilli inn . shamong,nj 1pm

january 24. Laurel Creek Country Club . Mount laurel,nj 6pm

february 14. Laurel Creek Country Club . Mount laurel,nj 6pm

february 22. Laurel Creek Country Club . Mount laurel,nj 6pm

march 22. Laurel Creek Country Club . Mount laurel,nj 6pm

march 28 . ott’s . medford, nj 6:30pm

april 25 . ott’s . medford, nj 7pm

april 26. Laurel Creek Country Club . Mount laurel,nj 6pm